A modified B letter with the left shape as a diagonal with wider top side and narrower bottom side, as a logo for Balmes, my first surname.

Hello, I'm Jaume Balmes.

I'm a father, a lover, a hiker, a commuter and trekking cyclist, a freethinker, a consultant for the trade and scientific publishing industry, the managing director of the first and only —for now— professional-focused conference about publishing in Spain (Congreso de la Edición Académica) and the founder of El Taller Editorial, a small high-level consultancy for the publishing industry based in Barcelona.
You'll find some related links, like social media, projects and events on my link page here: links.balmes.io
Since 2008, I have been working as a consultant and teacher in publishing and graphic arts, helping companies and professionals to be happier.
When I'm not in Barcelona, you will find me at some publishing related events around the globe.
Probably, I will not agree with you on plenty of things, and that's OK; that's the richness of the human being. Let's discuss passionately about everything. Let's be human.